When it comes to our team at Sorensen Witherspoon, each of them are here with a unique background and very conscious choice to work within the scope of Family Law. Colby Harmon, Family Law Attorney and Senior Associate, has a rich history of experience throughout various disciplines of law that have allowed him to refine his skills and bring fresh perspective and litigation styles to his clients within the family law space.
The road to Family Law began in a very different place
“When I graduated, I was leaning heavily into working in politics – that was what had piqued my interest and really pushed me into the field of law in the first place. In 2007, I decided to go to Law School in Boston and that decision was made almost purely on assumptions that Mitt Romney was going to run for President and, being the governor of Massachusetts, he would base his campaign in Boston. Sure enough he did just that. I worked as a volunteer on the campaign and was able to really learn about the field, hands-on, and it was just an incredible experience. At about the time the campaign was winding down, I ended up coming back to Utah and finished my last semester of law school at BYU and then spent that Summer studying for the and taking the bar, but still had a deep interest in working in politics. At that time the Bush administration had about 6-7 months left and they were in desperate need of political appointees, so I made the move out to Washington D.C. and worked for the Community Relations Services doing civil rights work, mediation, and employment and labor issues. We all knew that when January 20th came around we would be out of a job, but the experience and learning that came with that work was a big step in the right direction for me.
The move back to Utah and first experience in Family Law
“When I got back to Utah I worked for a firm that did mostly Family Law and that was my first time really diving into that type of practice. It was a definite learning curve but enlightening. I was going in and covering hearings like crazy, and oftentimes with very short notice. They were intense moments, but I was able to cut my teeth in there and figure out quickly that I was able to think on my feet and get wins for my clients, even with less-than-desirable preparation time. These experiences, unbeknownst to me at the time, really set in motion the things I am doing now.
2012 and the world of Politics
“When Mitt Romney secured the nomination in 2012, his then-bare-bones staff needed to build out a much larger team and since they knew me from my work on 2007, I got a call with a job offer. I knew it was going to be intense hours and I needed to be there on short notice, so I took the job and really came into my own out there. We worked crazy hours 7 days a week, but honestly, I loved every minute of it. It was this work that ignited my desire for fulfillment, and not just doing ‘a job’ for the sake of doing it, but doing something that could have real impacts and genuinely make a difference. Even though MItt Romney lost the election, that experience and others helped secure me a job working in Washington D.C. resolving collective bargaining disputes.
SEB Legal and a renewed focus in Family Law
“Without going too deep into the reasons, in 2017 my family and I made a difficult decision to move back to Utah. It was a no brainer for me, but it meant leaving a very secure job in a field I loved, knowing that law opportunities are very different here than in Washington D.C. Being truly honest, there are aspects of doing Family Law that I don’t love and did not want to return to in my career. But When I found SEB Legal (now Sorensen Witherspoon) and started doing Family Law again, I noticed that I was better equipped to deal with the issues that can arise. I had all of these other avenues and ways to help clients that had come from my time in labor, politics, and investigatory work. It gave me new ways to help my clients understand the process and manage their expectations and litigate in a way that felt unique to my experiences..
The approach to Family Law
“There are no winners and losers in Family Law. It is often more about deciding what you are willing to do to resolve the matter quickly and restore peace in your family and your life, particularly if kids are involved. I found that I have a knack for helping clients adjust their perspective to limit the contention and focus on the things that really matter. I am going on my 5th year with Sorensen Witherspoon (formerly SEB) and as time goes on I continue to feel more fulfilled in helping my clients resolve issues that can lead them to a better life.
“I try to make sure my clients understand that litigation, while at times necessary, is often the worst way to resolve issues in Family Law. I always approach each situation with the mindset of resolving the issue outside of litigation if possible. Family Law cases and the issues involved are always intense and often contentious, and so being able to help guide that process as peacefully as possible is truly one of the most worthwhile things we can do for our clients as Family Law attorneys.
How do you aim to give clients a unique Family Law experience?
“As a client, you really have to trust your attorney and that means disclosing the good, the bad, and the ugly. At the same time, the attorney needs to be somebody their clients can trust. To meet that responsibility, I value open communication and quick responses. I make sure my clients hear from me the same day on questions or concerns. I also don’t blow sunshine at my clients, as that would be doing them a disservice. I will explain why their position is a good or a hard position and that has really been my standard for connecting and working with clients. There are attorneys out there that will sometimes intentionally mislead a client’s expectations to increase the billing in their case. I will never do that. I believe my quickness to communicate and honesty with clients has been one of the driving factors in those clients often referring their friends and family to me.”
We are proud of our team at Sorensen Witherspoon. Every attorney and person who works for this firm comes with a human-centric mindset focussed on the betterment of people and the lives they will continue to live after our interaction. More importantly, they have all chosen to work within the scope of Family Law and that decision sways the way they approach cases and litigate. If you are in a situation where you are looking for Family Law representation, we would love to set you up with a consultation with Colby or one of our attorneys. You deserve a better class of attorney, and we are committed to giving it to you.
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