When it comes to our team at Sorensen Witherspoon, each of them are here with a unique background and very conscious choice to work within the scope of Family Law. Colby Harmon, Family Law Attorney and Senior Associate, has a rich history of experience throughout...
In light of the local, state, and federal recommendations concerning the Coronavirus outbreak, along with our commitment to the health and safety of our team and our clients, rest assured we are open and continuing to serve our clients. Over the past few years, we...
At some point during the 1990s, prenuptial agreements started to get a bad rap. They’re seen as things that set people up to get a divorce one day down the road. In the real legal world, prenups are beneficial agreements couples can use to protect their intended...
Let’s have some real talk about the divorce process—it can be very emotional. But the courts do not see it that way. People tend to approach divorce the same way they do sports—there are two sides, and only one can end up winning. However, when it comes to...
Dos and Don’ts for Tenant Screening Implementing an objective screening process. This process should be written and should clearly detail your occupancy guidelines. Remember the criteria for occupancy needs to be uniform, and should be available to all prospective...
Today I want to talk about the Fair Housing Act and why it matters. The Fair Housing Act was signed into law in 1968 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. This was four years after the Civil Rights Act was passed and within a week of when Martin Luther King was fatally...
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